

Monday, October 18, 2010

Playing Catch Up

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends.  ~Author Unknown 

First and foremost, I'm back!!!  After a brief hiatus, I have returned full strength and refocused! 

My physical went very well.  Doc said that cholesterol levels were perfect, blood pressure is wonderful, triglycerides are beautiful, and that she's happy with all my results.  She asked if there was anything else I was concerned about and I told her that I was bothered by the weight I'd gained.  She told me just to take my calories back down to around 1200 and get away from carbs again.  Doc also told me a little trick to see if a food was a good carb or bad one.  If the percentage of carbs is less than percentage of fiber, it's all good.  Otherwise, just back away.

So, I'll try to stick to 1200 calories and stay away from bread.  I think staying away from bread (and bad carbs) will be harder!!!!!  ARG!  I love love love bread.  But I also love love love love my jeans.  The good thing is, I was able to get them on again.  The bad thing is, I still protruded above the waist line. 

But I'm still working on it too.  I had a little bit of a stressful week last week and kind of lost my focus for a few days.  I missed a day of the video so have started counting all over again!  Today is day 1 - again!  My soon to be 4 year old joined me.  He wanted to workout too and snatched up my 3 pound weights.  I was stuck using the 5 pound weights and struggled through.  Really - over just 2 pounds!!!  It was definitely a good workout though and I realized that I probably should be using the 5 pounders anyway from now on.  Especially on level 1!!! 

I got a new video from the library that I'm going to try too.  I'm kind of nervous though.  Wouldn't ever want Jillian to think I was cheating on her. 

Goals for this week:
video every day plus 20 min additional cardio
keep calories around 1000-1300
get closet ready for winter (hey- goals don't need to be ALL about weight loss!)
get digital scale
lose 1-2 pounds

We'll see how I do!

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